Indirect expenses incurred in production and provision of service by an enterprise is to be allocated into the cost of production and operation, according to certain standards of allocation. 企业为生产商品和提供劳务而发生的各项间接费用,应当按一定标准分配计入生产经营成本。
Moreover, did simple quantitive analysis on the indirect CO2 emission in outer power production and buy clinker production. 同时从外部电力生产和购买熟料生产的两个方面,对水泥生产间接二氧化碳排放也进行简单定量分析。
Indirect Monitoring Method for COD of Fumaric Acid Production Wastewater 邻法富马酸生产废水COD的间接监控方法
Indirect materials are not easily traced to specific units or batches of production and are accounted for as factory overhead. Direct labor is easily identified with given jobs. Indirect labor, on the other hand, is not and is considered part of factory overhead. 因间接材料不易直接追溯到其受益对象上,一般将其作为制造费用来处理。直接人工能分清受益的产品批别,间接人工则作为制造费用的一个组成部分。
In US GAAP, Borrowing costs ( specific or indirect) relating to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset must be capitalized. 为购建、生产某项资产而发生的借款费用(专门的或间接的)都必须予以资本化。
The collection of the fuel tax will certainly influence our economy, direct and indirect social production, especially to the motor carrier industry and motor industry. 开征燃油税是对利益的重新分配,无疑将对我国的经济、社会产生直接或间接的影响,其中影响最大的是直接与汽车使用和生产有关的汽车运输业和汽车工业。
In the later case the retained resources is of most important, t can be turned to produce consumption goods after the capital production an indirect production has been completed. That explains the business cycle. 由于固定资本品的生产实质是一种间接性的生产,在其完成后,冗余性资源可转而用来生产消费品,这就解释了经济周期。
Also modeling methods of Fault Petri nets is discussed, this paper adopts indirect modeling method that translating the production rules system to Petri nets model. 同时讨论了故障Petri网的建模方法,本文采用间接建模方法,主要是将产生式规则系统转换成Petri网模型来进行分析。
Analysis of Motivation for Indirect Language Production 间接语言产生的动机分析
Indirect defense: production of volatiles for recruiting natural enemies of herbivores; 间接防御,即产生吸引天敌的挥发物;
From the angle of production relations determined by productive forces, production relations should refers to direct and indirect production ones, and both of them develop with productive forces. 从生产力决定生产关系的角度来看,生产关系应当区分为直接生产过程中的生产关系和间接生产过程中的生产关系,两者随着生产力的发展而发展。
There are three types of indirect cost of disaster damage described in this paper, namely indirect cost of shutting down or slowing production due to the linkage of industrial sectors, the cost of pulling up of intermediate products and the cost of investment premium. 本文研究了三种灾害间接经济损失的计量,即间接停减产损失、中间投入积压增加损失和投资溢价损失。
In this paper, the embodied environmental profile, which is composed of the direct impact embedded in such processes as cement production, transportation, and indirect impact as power, coal production, during Portland cement life cycle is investigated based on the life cycle assessment methodology. 本文运用生命周期评价方法研究水泥生命周期中的物化环境状况,主要考虑水泥生产工艺过程、运输过程造成的直接环境影响和电力生产、燃煤生产造成的间接环境影响。
The indirect production of CO in plasma was detected by a dual wavelengh spectrophotometer. 用双波长分光光度计间接测定大鼠血浆中CO含量;
Indirect labor is what distinguishing ways of wealth production in the time of knowledge economy from other ways in the past. 非直接劳动方式是知识经济时代不同于以往任何时代的财富创造方式。
In the light of the impact of phosphatic and compound fertilizer products from abroad after China joined the WTO, an indirect analysis is made of the domestic production of these products, with emphasis on how to increase the competitiveness of the domestic products. 面对我国加入WTO后国外磷复肥产品的冲击,重点从如何提高我国磷复肥的竞争力入手,间接分析了我国磷复肥的生产前景。
Costing is the indirect costs and ancillary costs more accurately assigned to the operation, production processes, products, services and customers a cost calculation. 作业成本法是将间接成本和辅助费用更准确地分配到作业、生产过程、产品、服务及顾客的一种成本计算方法。
The key of biomass indirect liquefaction is the production of syn-gas. So focusing on the process of the biomass gasification combined with coal-based gasification technology, it summarizes that biomass entrained flow gasification for synthesizing the syn-gas on large scale is heading for a great future. 生物质间接液化的关键在于合成气的制取,于是从生物质气化工艺出发,结合煤基合成气气化技术,总结出生物质气流床气化在大规模制取合成气过程中具有广阔的发展前景。
IL-10 can regulate immune and can decrease antigen-specific T cell proliferation through direct or indirect mechanisms. It can also inhibit the production of IL-12, which is the key effector of Thl cell differentiation. IL-10具有免疫调节作用,可通过直接和间接机制明显降低抗原特异性T细胞增殖,还能有效抑制IL-12的产生,而IL-12是Th1细胞分化的关键因子。
Secondly it studies the production scheduling of two kinds of production line, i.e., direct spin production scheduling and indirect spin production scheduling. 其次,研究了直接纺丝和间接纺丝生产过程的多品种生产调度问题。
Subjective behavior of manufacturing and selling fake drugs directly intentional or indirect intent, its production and sales of counterfeit drugs is a state of knowing, and of manufacturing and selling fake drugs behavior held hope or laissez-faire attitude, negligence does not constitute the sin. 制售假药的行为人主观上应是直接故意或间接故意,对其生产、销售的假药是一种明知的状态,且对制售假药行为持希望或放任的态度,过失不构成该罪。
The production cost structure has thus changed with the rapid development of science and technology and automatic production in manufacturing enterprises and rising indirect production costs, the traditional cost management can not adapt to modern production methods. 科学技术的发展,自动化水平的不断提高,制造企业的生产成本结构也因此发生了改变,间接成本的比例在不断升高,传统的成本核算方法已经无法适应现代化企业的要求。
Because tube digesting technology adopts the indirect heating mode, the energy dissipation could be reduced in aluminum production process. 由于管道化溶出技术采用间接加热方式,可显著降低氧化铝生产过程中的能耗。
It theoretically analyzed the effect of FDI on employment quantity from angles of direct employment effect and indirect employment effect. Then it brings in Douglas production function and makes empirical analysis. 在分析服务业FDI对就业数量的影响时,先从直接就业效应和间接就业效应的角度进行了理论分析,然后利用道格拉斯生产函数建立模型进行实证分析。
From an economic point of view, governments provide preschool education public service usually in two different ways, one is government direct production, and the other is the indirect production. 从经济学角度来说,政府提供学前教育公共服务的方式通常有两种,一种是直接生产提供,即政府自办幼儿园提供,另一种是间接生产提供,以购买服务的方式提供学前教育公共服务。
Therefore, it only has an indirect influence on social production force. 因此,高校科技成果只是间接促进社会生产力发展。
Now, most of the important environmental problem has direct or the indirect relations with the chemical production, therefore, implements the environmental education in the chemistry teaching of middle school is very essential. 当今重大的环境问题几乎都与化学品的生产有着直接或间接的关系,因此,在中学化学教学中实施环境教育是非常必要的。
On the other, we put forward 2 indirect estimation methods for the scale of unobserved production in informal sector& data comparison and the analysis of labour invest through the observation and study of the category, nature, source of the existed basic data. 另一方面,我们通过对已有基础数据的种类、性质、来源及数据间关系的细致考察,提出了非正规部门未被观测生产规模的两种间接估算法&数据比较法和劳动力投入分析法。
The influence factors of residents 'consumption indirect carbon emissions select the production, consumption and demographic factors, the factors of production and consumption has a significant effect on residents' consumption indirectly carbon emissions, the influence of demographic factors was not significant. 居民消费间接碳排放选取的主要影响因素为生产、消费和人口因素,其中生产和消费因素对居民消费间接碳排放有显著影响,人口因素的影响不显著。
Allelic variation in the structural or regulatory sequences of the PRL gene and GHR gene would be of interest because of the possible direct or indirect effect on milk production. 催乳素与生长激素受体基因编码区与调控区等位基因的变异有可能对奶牛产奶性状有直接或间接的效应。